n. An English dialect chiefly characterized by the use of accents and words, particularly slang terms, that borrow from or mimic Jamaican English.
He refers to Multicultural London English, generally known as MLE, which features new words borrowed from outside the UK — exactly the variety of slang that Andy, of West African origin, is talking about. MLE is often linked to recently emerged multicultural hybrid "Jafaican," or fake Jamaican, with West African and Asian undertones.
—Jasmin Ojalainen, “The (Slang) Word on the Street,” Tony Thorne, June 17, 2016
Lucas has always denied the allegations of racial stereotyping in [Jar Jar] Binks's esoteric Jafaican patois, but they won't go away.
—Tim Martin, “Admiral Ackbar and the 49 other best Star Wars characters,” The Telegraph (London), April 05, 2016
Over the past decade, however, the Cockney of my generation has been replaced with the street slang known as ‘Jafaican’, a form of patois picked up by black yout’ in London and eventually by kids from pretty much all ethnic and social backgrounds in towns and cities throughout the UK.
—Julie Bindel, “From Cockney to Jafaican,” The Spectator, March 23, 2013
2006 (earliest)
The phenomenon, which has been variously described as "Jafaican" — a combination of Caribbean and African — or Tikkiny, in honour of the influence of Bengali in areas such as Tower Hamlets, is more properly referred to as "multicultural London English".
—Jonathan Brown, “Jafaican and Tikkiny drown out the East End's Cockney twang,” The Independent (London), April 10, 2006
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