adj. Relating to a license or contract that appears during the installation of a software program or online service and that requires the user to click a button to agree to the terms of the license.
Also Seen As
Sometimes a contract is a mouse click away-all of the free e-mail services and commercial ISPs use 'click-wrap' contracts, which, similar to their counterparts for shrink-wrapped software, require users to agree to conditions before using a service. The ubiquitous I Accept button lets the service provider deny responsibility if things go wrong.
—Anita Susan Brenner, “Contractual Obligations - Click here to waive your rights,” Smart Business, September 01, 2000
Several states have already passed digital-contract legislation and 21 have bills pending so far this year. Experts also say so-called click-wraps, those ubiquitous contractual agreements consumers face, for example, when downloading software, will likely draw legislative attention.
—Kelly Hearn, “Wild Web hears hoofbeats of lawmakers,” Christian Science Monitor, February 14, 2000
1987 (earliest)
In many click-wrap situations, the user must only agree to the terms and conditions by clicking on an "I Agree" button. … This is not say that click-wrap agreements are not enforceable — they are.
—L. J. Kutten, “Computer Software: Protection Liability Law Forms,” West Group Publishing, December 01, 1987