n. Diabetes caused by excessive weight; the condition of having both diabetes and excessive weight.
Dr Phillips said some authorities had compared the world epidemic of "diabesity" (diabetes and obesity) expected in the first 20 years of the 21st century to the AIDS epidemic in the last 20 years of the 20th century.
—“Aussie men mostly fat,” The Advertiser, February 08, 2002
1998 (earliest)
To further increase awareness of the connection between obesity and diabetes, the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition has started an "Diabesity Research Program" involving research on the use of innovative approaches to weight loss which may be useful for treating the patient with obesity and diabetes.
—“UCLA Center for Human Nutrition Starts Diabetes & Obesity Research Program,” PR Newswire, February 25, 1998
This word combines diabetes (1562) and obesity (1611). According to an organization called Shape Up America (which has trademarked the term Diabesity), 97% of all cases of Type 2 diabetes are caused by excessive weight. They also report that losing weight can not only lessen the symptoms of diabetes, but can even put the disease into remission.
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