pp. Driving in a way that minimizes fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.
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Educating drivers in 'eco-driving techniques' would, for example, involve learning how tyre pressure and accelerating or braking at the right time can cut fuel consumption.

From September, 'eco-driving techniques' will be included in driving tests. Candidates are already asked questions on eco-driving as part of the theory test and from September it will form part of the practical test.

Candidates will not fail if their driving is not considered eco-friendly, but the examiner will provide feedback at the end of the test.
—James Chapman, “Why Brown thinks we should all be happy that fuel costs are sky-high,” Daily Mail, July 09, 2008
In Europe, where gas prices are often more than twice what they are here, eco-driving has become mandatory in the driving curriculums in Germany, Sweden and, most recently, Britain. Beginning drivers are taught to avoid idling, unnecessary braking and jackrabbit starts at traffic lights, among other lessons that can bring fuel savings to as high as 25 percent.

Other fuel-saving tips include carefully timing one's approach to slowing traffic or red signals and not accelerating toward a ''stale green,'' that is, a signal that's about to change.
—Tom Vanderbilt, “Be the Prius,” The New York Times, June 29, 2008
1995 (earliest)
A number of car companies are studying how cars make greenhouse gases and how they can slow the process down….

Now Mercedes Benz has started looking at the problem and has developed an eco-driving program. So far 1,200 drivers have done the course and, in covering 117 million kilometres, Mercedes believes they have saved 1.25 million litres of fuel and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by around 35,000 tonnes.
—Alan Kennedy, “Drive to slow greenhouse blowout,” Sydney Morning Herald, March 31, 1995
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