n. Fear or mistrust of, or resistance to, free markets.
new favorite term: emporiophobia (fear of markets). results from believeing [sic] capitalism = win-lose competition
—Greg Ferenstein, “new favorite term…,” Twitter, July 05, 2016
Emporiophobia is a made-up word, and my first instinct was to wonder if it described a made-up problem.
—Carola Binder, “Emporiophobia!,” Quantitative Ease, January 05, 2014
And a further little observation about the UK and this emporiophobia. I wouldn't want to have to prove this but I am still certain that I'm right. One of the reasons the country is not reliably more free market is exactly that the upper middle classes rather model their attitudes upon those of the aristocracy of old, rather than the more ruggedly bourgeois virtues of some other countries (the US comes to mind here).
—Tim Worstall, “Introducing you to the word emporiophobia,” Adam Smith Institute, December 08, 2013
2013 (earliest)
There is widespread emporiophobia (fear of markets) and this has important policy implications as it leads voters to demand anti-market policies. There are many reasons for this anti-market attitude. However, economists could reduce emporiophobia if we stressed cooperation rather than competition in our writings and policy discussions.
—Paul H. Rubin, “Emporiophobia (Fear of Markets): Cooperation or Competition?,” Southern Economic Journal, November 27, 2013