n. Intense, ongoing hatred.
Hateration: The FBI is investigating hate mail sent to black NFL players and other black men during the past year.
—“Comcast may go with satellites,” Chicago Tribune, December 05, 2003
Why anyone would participate in the hateration of Michael Jordan—Mary J. Blige's word, not mine—is one of life's weird mysteries. You don't have to respect him as a family man, a cardboard-cutout husband. You don't have to like his gambling escapades. You can regret, as I do, that he resumed his career and put an unnecessary dent in the rear end of his legacy.
—Jay Mariotti, “It's MJ appreciation day,” Chicago Sun-Times, February 09, 2003
2001 (earliest)
Don't need no hateration, holleration
In this dance for me
Let's get it percolatin', while you're waiting
So just dance for me
—Mary J. Blige, “Family Affair,” MCA, August 28, 2001
Like frienemy (posted March 3, 2004), this word also originated in the lyrics of a popular song. The coiner this time is hip-hop soul diva Mary J. Blige, who used the word in her 2001 single, "Family Affair" (see the earliest citation). Thanks to Russell Shaddox for sending this word my way.
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