pp. Using words, actions, or symbols to indicate to other people that you are a good person or that you hold certain values.
Scott Walker fell back on "Reaganism", which nowadays has less and less to do with the historical Ronald Reagan anyway. Among Republicans, referencing Reagan is now a form of "virtue signaling".
"My point was this whole culture of virtue-signaling where debates are about nothing. Look, Republicans all agree 100 percent that we are pro-Israel, pro-Life, pro-gun. So why do we spend so much time on these issues? It’s just pandering, so who are they pandering to?"
The poster goes on to assert: 'We are part of a growing consciousness that is bigger than food — one that champions what’s good.' This a particularly blatant example of the increasingly common phenomenon of what might be called 'virtue signalling' — indicating that you are kind, decent and virtuous.
It's Moral Preening, Virtue Signalling, Competitive Pearl-Clutching, Flashing Tribal Signs — call it what you will — it's a Superior Dance beyond the Church Lady's wildest imagination.
2004 (earliest)
Virtue signaling at its most pedestrian.