n. The layers in an organization's hierarchy that sit above the rank and file.
Over the past few years, FE has been colonised by "doers". Management and administration posts have expanded, with those in the adminisphere — the higher, non-teaching tiers — drawing salaries sometimes far in excess of those on the ground floor.
The pundits have been saying that we have to change the way physicians behave. Yet, there's a chasm between the belief and value systems of the adminisphere, the select few who run the organization, and the people on the ground, the doctors and nurses. How can we close the gap?
1995 (earliest)
Another happy reader asked if Adventures in Cyberbia was syndicated on the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, at this time neither we at the Adventures staff nor anyone else at The Taos News have established an Internet presence at this time. But I am very pleased to report that as you read this, plans are in the works of the adminisphere of The Taos News to set up some kind of presence in cyberspace.