adj. Against the use of chalk, particularly to write political or protest messages on a sidewalk or other outdoor surface.
Members of Free Keen and Stop Free Keene are being interviewed by a national news crew about their ongoing "Chalk War" and "Robin Hooding". They drew pictures for the cameras, but they were removed just minutes later by anti-chalk factions.
The NSW Parliament has this month proposed a new law outlawing graffiti on NSW sidewalks. And while this makes hopscotch technically illegal, apparently the Police will have discretion. … Is it a coincidence that the new anti-chalk laws are proposed a month or two after [the] AAA aggressive election campaign to get more funding?
It’s been a while since we’ve checked in with the student journamalists of the Iowa State Daily, that fine press organ (*snckkk, "organ!"*) which gave us an inspired anti-chalk editorial and some very earnest tsk-tsking about Bruce Springsteen using the rock and the roll to campaign for that Obama fellow.
2009 (earliest)
According to a posted policy, the university does not allow chalking of sidewalks and buildings, a witness testified. … Snider, in the courtroom, said that the university may grant exceptions to the anti-chalk rule for groups that seek permission.
This term can also describe a teacher who eschews traditional lectures, betting against the favorite in a horse race, a law against wiping off the chalk marks that parking enforcement officers leave on car tires, rock climbers who advocate against the use of chalk, and various chemicals that reduce the concentration of chalk in a substance.
"Chalk washes off, injustice never will!" Source: