v. To automatically purchase the next version or edition of something because you have liked the previous items in the series.
“I think the most fundamental issue is that we are way past the point in the evolution of computers where people auto-buy the next latest and greatest computer chip, with full confidence that it would be better than what they’ve got,” Dr. Colwell said.
Her book tastes, as well as influences, are those that her fans love as well including Rainbow Rowell, Stephanie Perkins, and Tessa Bailey. “I auto-buy books they write as soon as I find out they’re out,” said Esguerra. “And I read them on release day.”
Lucy: One of the things I love most sharing in common with my readers is our absolute love of romance and reading. We’ve remarked many times on the fact we often share the same auto-buy authors and comfort reads.
2011 (earliest)
I don’t game often, but the Elder Scrolls, Bioshock and Call of Duty franchises are dear exceptions. They are amazing works; transforming not just video games, but the entertainment industry. So I auto-buy new releases, just as I do with U2 albums. It comes out, I buy it el pronto.