n. A person who is opposed to new real estate development, particularly projects close to their neighbourhood.
Other Forms
But the naysayers never learn. No matter how much they like a building or a statue when it's finished, they still attack the next one with the same shrill sureness.

Their latest target is Luas.

Now, Dublin's light rail system is undoubtedly a good idea. Light rail works — check out Manchester — and our capital city needs public transport that gets priority over cars. Luas is a complex project that takes time and money.

Inevitably it's over-budget and late. Big deal, sensible people will conclude, it'll be worth the wait.

But that doesn't satisfy the BANANAs — those who say we should Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone.
—John Burns, “Can't see the point of new buildings? You're bananas,” Sunday Times of London, July 06, 2003
"We have a serious problem with the Banana complex — Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything," warns James R. Leva, president and CEO of General Public Utilities Corp (GPU). "This perception is more extreme than Nimby Not In My Backyard and may stall a significant number of utility construction projects," he adds. GPU is currently working through "Banana" siting controversies concerning a 500-kV line in Pennsylvania.
—“People,” Electrical World, May 01, 1992
1991 (earliest)
David Taylor (Letters, January 23) does not appear to be aware that the NIMBY syndrome, with all its parochial overtones, has been superseded by the all embracing BANANA syndrome — Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone.
—David Williams, “Nowhere, no time,” The Sydney Morning Herald, January 31, 1991
Two common alternative expansions for this acronym are build absolutely nothing anywhere near anybody and build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything. A slightly less satisfying alternative is build absolutely nothing at all, now or anytime.