n. The practice of sharing a bed with an infant as an aid to breastfeeding.
Babies need to be nursed both day and night. Mothers and babies need sleep. Ergo, breastsleeping.
In a peer-reviewed report published in Acta Paediatrica, McKenna argues that we should return to "breastsleeping," the act of combining breastfeeding with infant sleep, a co-sleeping model that mothers around the world have been practicing for thousands of years.
Recently Mobbs et al. 2015 describe the need for, and benefits of, immediate and sustained contact, including cosleeping, to establish an appropriate foundation for optimal human infant breastfeeding, neonatal attachment and brain growth. To further support this model we propose a new concept, ‘breastsleeping’, aimed to help both resolve the bedsharing debate and to distinguish the significant differences (and associated advantages) of the breastfeeding-bedsharing dyad when compared with the non-breastfeeding-bedsharing situations, when the combination of breastfeeding-bedsharing is practiced in the absence of all known hazardous factors.
2014 (earliest)
#breastsleeping #liquidgold @OzBreastfeeding new words with Dr McKenna