n. The use of a personally owned mobile device, such as a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, to access a workplace network.
They were knocked aside by what the IT people called the BYOD movement, or bring your own device. People just started showing up with iPhones and said: 'This is what we're using. You in IT better figure out how to make them secure.'
—Michael Rogers, “BlackBerry comeback is a long shot,” Chicago Tribune, January 27, 2013
Companies in 2012 generally conceded that BYOD is unstoppable. That said, workers who opt to join the BYOD craze this year won't have the same free-wheeling experiences that characterized the trend in its earlier stages.
—Byron Acohido, “Security for personal mobile devices for work tightens,” USA Today, January 07, 2013
2009 (earliest)
Together, OK Labs and Citrix will enable end users to leverage a single device by moving between corporate and personal worlds without risk of compromising company data, applications, or networks. Mobile-to-enterprise virtualization will also enable user personalization preferences and a "bring your own device" (BYOD) option to the corporate environment.
BroadVoice said it has been named to the list due in part to the value it offers customers, its innovative calling features, and its industry leading open access "BYOD" or Bring Your Own Device plans.
—“BroadVoice Named to the 2004 'Pulver 100',” Wireless News, September 27, 2004