cobweb page
n. A web page that has not been updated in a long time.
Okay, okay…so I ran a teensy bit longer between updates than I planned. (If I'd gone any longer, I'd have to start calling this my cobweb page.)
—Jenny North, “Updates,” Transgender Graphics and Fiction Archive, April 26, 2001
Banners and medallions are intended to attract attention and get you to move your cursor over and click on them — a process called a click-through. Nobody understands the marketing value of banners or medallions, but advertisers are now paying Web sites about 2 cents per click-through. Too bad that fewer than 1 percent of banners or medallions presented — impressions — ever get clicked. Too bad that many more sit unseen on "cobweb" pages.
—Bob Metcalfe, “Like it or not, advertising will pay for advances on the World Wide Web,” InfoWorld, August 12, 1996
1995 (earliest)
I just spent some time going over several of our web files, like the SJ Games FAQ and staff list, that hadn't been updated in a while. Don't want cobweb pages . . . This is a great medium, but you can't rest on your laurels. Things have to be kept fresh, or they're no fun.
—Steve Jackson, “It's Done! It's Done!,” Steve Jackson Games, September 22, 1995
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