n. A temporary loss of inhibition while online.
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A recent study confirmed what we all suspect: The anonymity afforded by the Internet emboldens people to spread their inner creepiness. The authors of the study, published by Euro RSCG Worldwide, even coined a new term, "cyberdisinhibition," to describe the phenomena.
—Joe Livernois, “Joe Livernois: Wild Web deserves to be tamed,” Monterey County Herald, January 24, 2010
According to the study, their world is expanding and narrowing at the same time because of social media’s hyperlocalization quotient. And "cyberdisinhibition" — being more willing to behave online in ways they wouldn’t in person — has both emboldened users and
led them to inappropriate behavior.
2006 (earliest)
For what you are describing is the well-researched but under-reported phenomenon of cyber-disinhibition. Psychologist Daniel Goleman explains that it was noticed in the first days of the internet, then known as the Arpanet and used by a small group of scientists. They noticed "flaming," the tendency to send abrasive, angry and emotionally wild cyber-messages.
—“Blame cyber-disinhibition for inflaming e-rage,” Canberra Times, March 07, 2006
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