n. A librarian who specializes in locating, prioritizing, and organizing information on the internet.
Also Seen As
Cybrarians are exactly what the name implies: a librarian for the 21st century. Cybrarians have the same research and data gathering skills of traditional librarians, but they apply that knowledge to online technology.
—Anthony Balderrama, “5 careers you might not have heard of,”, September 06, 2010
About a third of the library graduate programs in the United States have now ditched the word library. Not that librarians, as a rule, have begun identifying themselves as information scientists or, for that matter, cybrarians — I use this last word to conjure up the new breed of tech-savvy librarians, part cyborg, part cat's-eye reading glasses.
—Marilyn Johnson, This Book Is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All, Harper, February 02, 2010
1992 (earliest)
It has been suggested that in the future information society librarians (or 'cybrarians') should act primarily as link-persons between those with information and those seeking it.
—Roderick Cave, “Getting the balance: education for information work in New Zealand for the twenty-first century,” New Zealand Libraries Volume 47, March 01, 1992
I thought the term cybrarian had faded away years ago, but it has staged a remarkable comeback of late, helped largely by the release of Marilyn Johnson's book This Book Is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All, which received a decent amount of press last year. The variant cyberarian also exists, but that extra syllable ruins the euphony.