n. The artificial recreation of a previously extinct species.
It's a process known as "de-extinction" and the genomic research that lies at the heart of it is much closer to reality today than the science fiction of dinosaurs stomping across the island laboratory depicted in the "Jurassic Park" movies.
—Lee Berqquist, “University of Wisconsin professor questions efforts to reverse extinction,” Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, March 23, 2013
For its first project in ‘de-extinction’, the Revive & Restore initiative in the US aims to resurrect the North American passenger pigeon, which became extinct in 1914.

While separate attempts to revive the Tasmanian tiger, the California condor and the woolly mammoth may seem more attention-grabbing, the pigeon project could prove to be a milestone in de-extinction.
1992 (earliest)
Conservationists in South Africa are, through selective breeding of zebras, trying to reproduce a horse-like animal called a quagga that has been extinct for more than a century.
—Steve Newman, “Earthweek: A Diary of the Planet,” The Toronto Star, February 22, 1992
Suddenly thirteen black cats faced him, spitting viciously. Bink had never seen a pure cat before, in the flesh. He regarded the cat as an extinct species. He just stood there and stared at this abrupt de-extinction, unable to formulate a durable opinion.
—Piers Anthony, The Source of Magic, Del Rey, February 01, 1979