n. A January during which a person consumes no alcohol; a campaign to encourage abstinence from alcohol during January.
Moderation Management…began to add more in-person meetings and last year, the organization launched a campaign around Dryuary, encouraging people to take the month of January off from drinking.
Eight years later, we are on our ninth consecutive Drynuary: our name for the practice of kicking off the New Year by abstaining from booze for a month.
And following the popularity of post-Christmas alcohol abstaining challenge 'Dryuary', The Garage decided that the gap in Aberdeen’s nightlife for an evening that would still draw in partygoers without a drop of alcohol in sight was too good an opportunity to miss.
If you have been militant about the whole Dryuary thing you’re probably just about used to waking up with a clear head.
2009 (earliest)
3 designs finished in one night, along with half a bottle of brandy. So much for 'dryuary' (dry January) but hooray for my wallet.