n. Principles or practices that reduce spam and protect a computer from viruses and other threats embedded in or attached to email messages.
E-mail hygiene, storage and policy management, which have been largely ignored, have recently become business imperatives, according to industry research firm Meta Group.
The major thrusts of e-mail hygiene are spam management and security from viruses and other e-mail threats, including hacker attacks.
The major thrusts of e-mail hygiene are spam management and security from viruses and other e-mail threats, including hacker attacks.
Higgins said the viruses probably will be more of a nuisance than a problem. But he recommends visiting anti-virus Web sites and trashing e-mail attachments from strangers.
"It has nothing to do with the year 2000," he said. "Good e-mail hygiene says you don't open attachments from somebody you don't know."
"It has nothing to do with the year 2000," he said. "Good e-mail hygiene says you don't open attachments from somebody you don't know."
1999 (earliest)
With virus activity reported up over the last three months, there's no guarantee that any measure you take will completely protect you. But if you practice good e-mail hygiene, odds are that you'll stay safe.