n. A person who has been exonerated.
No state provides services to so-called exonerees, the nationally growing number of former prison inmates who, thanks to DNA technology, recanting witnesses and other exculpatory forces, are being found innocent of any involvement in the crimes for which they were convicted.
—James Ricci, “Punishing Start for the Freed,” Los Angeles Times, August 16, 2004
He is now the latest prisoner — the 127th nation-wide — to be exonerated and released from jail after the Innocence Project used DNA evidence to prove his innocence.

This weekend, he and more than 30 other exonerees from around the country will arrive in New York to share their experiences and see the play "The Exonerated," based on stories like their own.
—Sarah Gilbert, “Exonerated now free to play,” The New York Post, May 09, 2003
1992 (earliest)
Much as we expected, Judge Malcolm Wilkey, the special counsel in the House Bank investigation, says he'll issue a list of Members he deems worthy of exoneration just as the election enters the home stretch - in late August. This procedure is perfectly designed so that those who aren't on the list will almost certainly be suspected by the public of being wrongdoers and will be pummeled by their challengers. Will the non-exonerees be given their day in court before the Nov. 3 election?
—“Pulling a Wilkey?,” Roll Call, July 27, 1992
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