n. A company policy that enables employees to work either at the office or from home.
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Employees who take part in a flexplace arrangement work at home or at an alternate work site during part of their scheduled hours. Managers are finding that offering a flexplace option is not just an employee perk, but that it has numerous advantages in terms of productivity, morale and cost containment.
—Barney Olmsted & Suzanne Smith, Managing in a Flexible Workplace, AMACOM Books, April 01, 1997
California's archaic overtime rules are making it difficult for employees to respond to today's families who want and need alternative work schedules, such as flextime, flexplace, telecommuting, job-sharing, part-time, and compressed workweeks to balance family and work demands.
—William Campbell, “Flexible work times help families, businesses,” Orange County Register (California), February 21, 1996
1984 (earliest)
"What are the three biggest issues in the work place today? Flexible benefits, flex-time and flex-place [working at home]," says Dana E. Friedman of New York's Conference Board, a research group funded by the nation's major corporations.
—Sandra G. Boodman, “The New Baby Boom,” The Washington Post, August 27, 1984
Flexplace is the spatial analog to flextime (1972).
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