fridge Googling
pp. Running an online search based on some or all of the contents of one's fridge to locate a recipe based on those contents.
Also Seen As
Other Forms
The newer term "fridge-googling" has been coined to mean looking at the remnant contents of a person’s refrigerator and letting the Google search engine find a recipe that uses those ingredients.
—Sandy Berger, “Google Makes Dictionary,” Compu-Kiss, July 26, 2006
Perhaps you've been googling people for years. Or maybe you're a closet Googlewhacker. Or you fridge-google much too often, attempting to come up with an edible dinner.
—L. A. Chung, “Chung: It's official: Google it, or look it up,” The San Jose Mercury News, July 08, 2006
2004 (earliest)
Last week on a particularly bleak night I idly Googled salmon, cabbage, bacon, leeks and cumin — and there it was, fourth one down; a salmon and cabbage triumph obligingly delivered to my laptop by a company called The Recipe Place. I even had the whipping cream. Half an hour later and the fridge was empty, there were bite marks on the plates and my wife wanted to know where this sudden facility for good food had come from.

The practice of fridge-Googling is already simmering nicely — one US-based internet site refines the idea by inviting surfers to search for vegan, Atkins or diabetic platefuls when they enter their fridge contents on their special "Cookin with Google" page.
—Michael Durham, “Google, the new Nigella,” The Guardian, October 21, 2004
Note that efficient fridge Googlers also include the word "recipes" in the search to narrow down the results. Fridge Googling is also known as Google cooking (2002), although the latter is sometimes used more generally to mean looking for recipes by searching on any preferred ingredients, not just those languishing in your fridge.