n. An action movie genre that features aging actors in the lead roles.
Other Forms
Combats, encounters, car chases, gunshots, explosions, punches, kicks, blood and sweat with some good guys and their foes thrown in; the geriaction (action from old dudes) subgenre has exploded on the silver screen and it has exploded big time.
—Suruchi Sharma Diwan, “Its time for some geriaction,” The Positive, January 07, 2014
Ever since The Expendables grossed $274m worldwide — a figure almost as high as its cast's combined ages — the geriaction subgenre has exploded, making born-again stars out of 1980s icons such as Sylvester Stallone and Mickey Rourke, long thought to have hung up their assault rifles.
—Charlie Lyne, “Geriaction heroes and the age of aged movie stars,” The Guardian, March 30, 2013
2009 (earliest)
A genre of action/adventure films featuring over-the-hill actors/actresses reprising roles they had in their much younger years.
—docmoc, “geriaction,” Urban Dictionary, June 20, 2009
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