adj. Resembling eyeglasses, particularly with respect to a wearable computing device.
Also Seen As
Google’s wearable computer, the most anticipated piece of electronic wizardry since the iPad and iPhone, will not go on sale for many months….

The glasseslike device, which allows users to access the Internet, take photos and film short snippets, has been pre-emptively banned by a Seattle bar.
—David Streitfield, “Google Glass Picks Up Early Signal: Keep Out,” The New York Times, May 06, 2013
But privacy issues — be they safety commission-operated street cameras or the prototype glasses-like wearable computers that enable you to record audio and video or ordinances regarding remote-controlled aircraft equipped to take photographs that are now being debated in Conoy Township — are the new front lines in the technology wars.
—“Privacy Invasion,” Intelligencer Journal/New Era, March 14, 2013
1993 (earliest)
Users feel like they are inside the computer-generated world as a result of RPI's patented Head Mounted Sensory Interface (HMSI), a glasses-like device with high resolution video screens and 3D sound built inside.
—“RPI demonstrates worldwide access virtual reality telephone system, announces availability,” Business Wire, August 18, 1993