n. The process of recycling grass by leaving clippings on the lawn after mowing.
Other Forms
Finally, try "grasscycling." This is a labor-saving practice that also has big benefits for your landscape. As you mow, leave those clippings right on the lawn rather than collecting them in a catcher or bag. Frequent mowings produce shorter clippings that decompose quickly and act as a self-fertilizer. You'll need less of the commercial fertilizer you use now and reduce the amount of yard waste you set out for pickup. You'll also use less water because the self-mulch cuts back on the amount of moisture lost to evaporation.
—Holly Hayes, “Keeping a thirsty lawn happy with less water,” San Jose Mercury News, September 21, 2001
1990 (earliest)
Grasscycling" simply requires a person to mow a little more frequently, Boyd said. "Grass clippings are 90 percent water so in a few days they're gone," he explained. " If you mow frequently, the clippings are very small. I don't ever pick them up. It's too much work.
—“How to 'grasscycle',” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, August 11, 1990
This tough-to-pronounce word (it might be closer to gra.SYE.kling, but I'm betting the "s" sound slides smoothly from the first syllable to the second) is a portmanteau that brings together grass and recycling.
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