hand salsa
n. The grimy substance that accumulates on a mouse or a similar input device after extended use.
The Alps Interactive Gamepad for the PlayStation(TM) game console features the familiar 14-button layout, and an ultra-smooth direction pad. It is the first PS gamepad with rubber grips, which reduces the "hand salsa," and gives players the control required to compete in today's competitive gaming environments.
—“Alps Interactive Gamepad Voted Best Overall Controller by Video Game Advisor Magazine,” Business Wire, January 29, 1997
1996 (earliest)
Hand Salsa
The slimy substance left on a mouse or joystick after a harrowing round of a high-stress videogame. "Sure, you can play, if you don't mind the hand salsa."
—Gareth Branwyn, “Jargon Watch,” Wired, August 01, 1996
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