n. The process of turning a word or phrase into a hashtag.
But anything can take a hashtag, and dictionary-makers aren't going to include "#dictionary" next to "dictionary", "#lexicography" next to "lexicography", and so on. Something has to change in the real world for "hashtagification" to lead to word-hood. Does "#blacklivesmatter" mean more than "black lives matter"? Yes: it means that a huge number of people have woken up to the callous treatment by American police (and other security forces) of many of their black fellow-citizens.
Converted into a glib hashtag, #ICantBreathe can bear all the hallmarks of social-media "slacktivism," an easy assertion of identification with the oppressed. But such is the fate of any successful slogan. That's especially true in the age of hashtagification, when today's vibrant meme is tomorrow's stale cliché.
How do you see hashtags evolving for educational use in the near future? Do you believe they are used up to their potential…or do you think we can (and should) move to a next level of hashtagification?
2009 (earliest)
I support gratuitious hashtagery (hashtagification?). It's a sign of ravenous but playful intellect.