n. Anime and other Japan-based cartoons and animation.
Other Forms
"Ghost in the Shell" (Manga Entertainment/Pioneer LDMA-529-3, two discs, CAV, wide screen, $49.95) is a high-tech sci-fi futuristic tale made in the process that has come to be known by its devoted followers as Japanimation.
—Richard Christiansen, “Blurred Colors Clear Up on New 'King and I' Release,” Chicago Tribune, January 30, 1997
It's the latest "hot" Japanese import. No, it's not a VCR. Or a new car.

It's Japanese animation — or Japanimation — and after years in the cult circuit, it's beginning to enter the mainstream market.
—Rene Rodriguez, “Japan's newest import? Forget cars. Think Cartoons.,” The Miami Herald, April 19, 1992
1986 (earliest)
Other activities: Discussions of anime genres; writing for the Pen-Pen (the club newsletter): putting on skits as Anime characters: attending anime conventions; trips to Mayflower Buffet (serves Japanese food); Trips to Joy's Japanimation (anime store in Greensburg).
—“Interested in anime?,” Indiana Gazette, February 12, 1986
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