Kodak courage
n. The greater-than-usual level of courage exhibited by people who are being photographed or filmed.
Downtown, I've skated in front of that many people," says Keida. "It's good. It gives you a lot more incentive to try your hardest. There's a certain thing called Kodak courage. If there's a camera, it pushes you to do better.
—Mike Keida, “In-line or outta their minds,” The Post-Standard, September 07, 1995
1990 (earliest)
And I'm trusting John's grip, completely. You talk about being high on life … to know that you could die, but you probably won't, but you don't know it. People were filming, so I just kind of got my Kodak courage together, told myself, You're going to do this, so why freak yourself out? Everything melted away, I let go and the bridge just disappeared.
—Craig Vetter, “Rubber jump,” Playboy, September 01, 1990