n. A person who walks particularly slowly and aimlessly.
[Paco] Underhill doesn't suggest changes in consumer behavior. He's all-accepting of mall-world reality, right down to the slow walkers the industry parlance disdains as "meanderthals."
Call them meanderthals.
They are slowpoke pedestrians who delay foot traffic on sidewalks and then, without warning, jaywalk, forcing vehicles to slow down or stop while they do their own thing crossing a street.
Cellphone-toting meanderthals are dangerous because they are oblivious to their surroundings. Baby-stroller-pushing meanderthals could wipe out the next generation. Meanderthals of any kind survive only because most drivers use their brakes.
They are slowpoke pedestrians who delay foot traffic on sidewalks and then, without warning, jaywalk, forcing vehicles to slow down or stop while they do their own thing crossing a street.
Cellphone-toting meanderthals are dangerous because they are oblivious to their surroundings. Baby-stroller-pushing meanderthals could wipe out the next generation. Meanderthals of any kind survive only because most drivers use their brakes.
1984 (earliest)
Peripatetic male: Meanderthal man.
Peripatetic male: Meanderthal man.
This pun is a nice blend of the words meander ("to walk slowly and aimlessly") and Neanderthal ("an extinct subspecies of human beings").