n. The flesh-and-blood real world; the opposite of cyberspace.
Writers, who can go for three or four days at a time without talking to people in 'meatspace', are particularly attracted to this form of friendship.
—Andrew Brown, “Real friends; friendships formed from exchange of electronic mail messages,” New Statesman, December 04, 1998
Seven years after [John Perry Barlow] gave up cattle ranching ("I found myself competing largely with people who didn't need to earn a profit and were in it for lifestyle alone"), he now helps others to understand the encroaching "virtualisation" of society. He is a frequent contributor to debates in both the real and on-line communities, in cyberspace and "meatspace", as he so charmingly refers to the corporeal world.
—Jon Casimir, “Battle stations in cyberspace,” The Sydney Morning Herald, July 29, 1995
1993 (earliest)
Meatspace update (quick rundown on where/how to interact with net.folks in meatspace, i.e., regular events, social gatherings, restaurant hangouts, etc.).
—Douglas Barnes, “Austin Cyberspace Journal Newsletter,” austin.public-net, February 21, 1993
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