memory prosthesis
n. A device that helps or enables a person to remember things.
Some people work in environments where they're given a lot of information, a lot of to-do lists," he says. "But because of the hectic nature of their jobs, they have an inability to write down notes in a timely fashion. A memory prosthesis would allow them to record it and then, later on, have the ability to retrieve it.
—Anna Kuchment, “Truly Total Recall,” Newsweek, June 30, 2003
Forget a name? A muttered request into a wireless "memory prosthesis" — a chip attached to the eyeglasses, perhaps — will trigger powerful indexing software to query a personal database at home and whisper back the identity of a face.
—Kevin Coughlin, “The melding of man and machine,” The Star-Ledger (Newark, New Jersey), January 04, 2000
1992 (earliest)
If memory loss were physical, like the loss of an arm or leg, doctors might consider replacing the part that didn't work with a sort of memory prosthesis.
—Deborah Wise, “Banks for the…er…memory,” The Guardian, May 08, 1992
Mark Worden told me about this phrase.