n. Government by the excessively self-centered.
Oligarchy, rule by the few, also tends to become rule by the monstrously self-centered. Narcisstocracy? Jerkigarchy?
I’m trying to think what we even call this emergent society. A neurocracy? Narcissistocracy?
Henry Kissinger, for example, will always be "Mr. Secretary," even though his last year in a Cabinet position was the year the comic strip "Cathy" debuted. The honorific-for-life rule is so necessary to maintaining the Washington narcissocracy that it is inviolable.
Patriarchal Narcissocracy: Males expect loyalty & subordinance.
2005 (earliest)
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, English comedian John Oliver, following the long-standing tradition of outsiders accurately analyzing the neuroses of the American psyche, said, “Politics has become infused with narcissism in America.” This feels intuitively right, although of course it’s not a purely American phenomenon. After all, no matter where you live you’ve encountered politicians who are interested only in themselves, who hear only applause and acknowledge only compliments, who desire only to gaze into the giant reflecting pool of their own ego. In short, we all live in a narcissocracy.