new white flight
n. The migration of whites to areas or states that are not racially diverse and that have relatively low rates of crime and other social ills.
One white woman told Hwang how she dissuaded a young white couple from moving to town, telling them their child might be "the only Caucasian kid in the class." Another said, "It does help to have a lower Asian population."

Which plays, of course, into the old stereotype of the hyper-competitive Asian. But the new white flight has also given rise to a new stereotype one educator calls "the white boy syndrome." It says that white kids just don't have it between the ears.
—Leonard Pitts Jr., “White flight in the wrong direction,” The Houston Chronicle, November 28, 2005
Are these revitalization efforts merely instances of a new ''white flight?''
—Terry L. Kennedy, “Preservation or exclusionary tactic?,” News and Record, July 09, 1999
1993 (earliest)
"In the past, we had whites leaving neighborhoods and cities," said Frey, an expert on race and migration. "In the current situation, we have whites leaving entire states and regions in response not only to the new racial and ethnic diversity, but also the urban and economic problems that accompany turbulent demographic change." The stage for this new white flight of unprecedented sweep was set by a decade of unsurpassed immigration.
—Jonathan Tilove & Joe Hallinan, “Immigrants spur latest white flight,” The Times-Picayune, August 08, 1993
This phrase was popularized by demographer William H. Frey in his classic article "The New White Flight," published in the April, 1994 issue of American Demographics magazine, although the earliest use of the term predates this article. The quotation that opens this cite is from Dr. Frey. However, the phrase new white flight is used by the authors. It's not clear from the context whether they might have heard this term from Dr. Frey or whether they coined it on their own.
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