n. A newly coined word that is not yet widely used or accepted.
There will also be "Never-Ending Story": both authors and the public will have the opportunity to contribute a sentence or paragraph to "a Never Ending Story with Oceanside" as the setting. Attendees will be encouraged to try their hand at protologism (creating new words) and become the Shake-spears of Oceanside!
—“3rd annual 'Write On, Oceanside' — July 20,” La Prensa San Diego, July 12, 2013
I think I should be up to the fifth sin now, referred to as spanophilia. To note, this word may not come up in many dictionaries, but upon delving into the world of etymology, it seems to be a protologism, or a portmanteau of prototype and neologism. In an attempt to coin new terminology, Asher takes the greek roots for "rare" and "love of" to form this word meaning the love of the rare.
—“Spanophilia is not the answer to Common Stupidity,” Christiana Care Internal Medicine Residency Blog, May 03, 2012
2003 (earliest)
The word "protologism" proposed here…is itself an example of protologism.
—Mikhail Epstein, “protologism,” Urban Dictionary, November 06, 2003
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