v. To restore something to its original state and then modify it with new or improved features.
The Applied Sans™ typeface family takes the charm of early sans serif designs and restifies it for the 21st century….Their goal was to restore the charisma of the original sans, and modify the design to have the consistent traits and structure of a 21st century design ("restify").
The recently restored and restified Petersen Museum in Los Angeles now offers a Cars Mechanical Institute on the second floor.
With power and drivetrain hardware covered, Lamb Fab turned to adding comfort and other amenities to this restified pickup. The exterior was coated a classy satin black, and the interior treated with a custom bench seat, dash, gauges, and other creature comforts.
1994 (earliest)
The NMCA successfully bid on a ’69 Mustang coupe, equipped with a 302 two-V-8 barrel engine. The car will be restored and "restified" according to the NMCA's Top Stock race guidelines.