n. The quality or state of being like former United States Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia.
In fact, Gorsuch was ranked highest in a Scalia-ness scale recently created by legal scholars and was deemed the deceased jurist’s “natural successor.” Scalia-ness in this case manifests in three things—adherence to originalist principles of interpretation, writing about how to consider the law beyond just legal issues, and issuing separate opinions to elucidate a personal position.
Of the three names reported to be at the top of Mr. Trump’s list, Judge Pryor scored the highest on a test of likely “Scalia-ness,” followed closely by Judge Neil Gorsuch, with Judge Thomas Hardiman trailing behind.
Measuring (or operationalizing) what made Justice Scalia who he was as a jurist is no easy task. Nor is it without controversy. Despite various possibilities, this study attempts to measure Scalia-ness in three ways.
2013 (earliest)
Wait I agree with Scalia? http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/04/us/ … My head hurts. Better go smile at a puppy to rid myself of Scalia-ness.