n. Thank god it's Monday; thank goodness it's Monday.
Couples counsellors see the negative effects of TGIM syndrome all the time — one spouse spends a lot of time at work, which makes the partner angry, which in turn makes the spouse want to spend even more time at work, and the vicious cycle continues.
How many people can say TGIM (Thank goodness it's Monday)? Not many. If you're counting down the minutes to quitting time it may be time for a change," said Craig. "We spend more time at our day jobs than anything else. If you're wasting so much of your job on something that's not bringing you any degree of satisfaction or if the job is not taking you where you want to go, it could be time to change.
1984 (earliest)
For Sieck it was another case of TGIM — thank God it's Monday.