n. Books, newspapers, magazines, and other print material.
Time Inc. spent $ 1 billion in paper, printing, postage, and distribution costs last year, so you can imagine why publishers are salivating about e-publishing. The only way to compete with treeware is with an electronic counterpart that provides many of paper's attributes.
—Frank J. Romano, “Beyond treeware to e-paper,” Electronic Publishing, January 01, 2001
1997 (earliest)
A good friend and colleague of mine, Don Tapscott (author of the 1996 business bestseller The Digital Economy and a contributor to this magazine), recently did a major home renovation. He and his family gutted the place and rebuilt it. (I guess there's still some money to be made in old-fashioned treeware after all.)
—David Ticoll, “This New House,”, March 01, 1997
Treeware also once referrred to dishes, utensils, and other tableware made out of wood.
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