v. To inhale and exhale the vapor produced by a non-combustible cigarette.
Users of e-cigarettes have coined the term "vaping" to describe their activity and distance it from smoking.
The question your editorial board should be asking is not, "Is it safe to 'vape' ?" You should be asking, "Is it safer to continue smoking tobacco cigarettes?"
2005 (earliest)
The device that generates the smokeless drag is called a marijuana vaporizer. … In the past two years, more than a dozen manufacturers have sprung up as vaporizers have wafted to the surface of the culture. Which explains the bumper sticker in an Oakland cannabis cooperative: "Got vape?"
There have also been experiments with a "non-combustible" cigarette, looking much like the real thing, but again delivering a metered dose of nicotine vapour to the mouth. (The new habit, if it catches on, would be known as "vaping.")