n. Colloquial shortening of the phrase "virtual reality."
Three weeks after he first experienced the results of the new virtual-reality production process, Shore paid a second visit to Menlo Park — this time with 61 names he had culled from his master list of 1,200. …The first name was Virch, for "virtual" reality.
I'm saying virch for virtual reality/videogame now because I'm lazy.
"Praha, real nice town," remarked Stuart, deeply unsurprised. “I can link you through if the price is right, no problem on this end if you don't mind the lag. Why don't you hang up and virch in through our primary server?"
2001 (earliest)
The best house computer she could afford was old and clunky, with no virch and no smart-chip capability, upgrading the hundred-year-old house to the minimum standard of smart, but it was adequate.