n. The extent to which a building is accessible to the disabled.
The three basic components of visitability are an entrance with no steps, ground-floor hallways and doorways wide enough for wheelchairs, and a ground-floor bathroom big enough for a wheelchair to enter and turn around.
—Jodi Wilgoren, “Wheelchair Users Achieve Milestone in 2 Ordinances,” The New York Times, February 07, 2002
1985 (earliest)
So what do disabled people want out of new houses, and how much is it going to cost? The Advisory Group is currently working with the National House Building Council — the body which oversees design and building standards in the private sector — to thrash out the bare minimum requirements for 'visitability,' and their cost.
—Tim Roberts, “How the wheelchair can win access to builders' blueprints,” The Guardian, October 26, 1985
Thanks to subscriber James Callan for telling me about this word.
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