n. The energy and other resources used while preparing meals.
Need help reducing your carbon "cookprint"?

A new crop of climate-conscious cookbooks is turning 2009 into the year of the ecovore.
—“Here's a new crop of climate-conscious cookbooks,” The Kansas City Star, April 22, 2009
Well now the bloody greenies have come up with a new bogeyman to bother you with — "The Cookprint". Yes, I know you thought it was all about carbon footprints but that's so last year, now we worry about the cookprint. Are you cooking green ? Are you sure? What about your favourite recipe books from Jamie, Gordo inter alia.?
—Brian McCune, “Careful, your cookprint is showing,” Kitsch 'n' Zinc, April 15, 2009
2008 (earliest)
What do you call the impact you make on the planet when you cook?

It’s your "cookprint"— the entire chain of resources used to prepare meals, and the waste produced in the process.
—Kate Heyhoe, “Cookprint: A New Green Buzzword,” New Green Basics, February 26, 2008
The use of the term footprint to refer to the impact of human activity on the environment is about 30 years old. You're probably most familiar with its use in the phrase carbon footprint (which first appeared in 1999), but older variations on the theme are ecological footprint (1992) and environmental footprint (1979).