n. Technologies, buildings, and other artificial sources of cold used for the preparation, distribution, and storage of food.
The gigantic tank farms of Tropicana and Citrusuco, the world's largest orange juice producer, occupy one particular corner of the coldscape, with its own specific architecture and quirks.
These are spaces in which a perpetual winter has distorted or erased seasonality; spaces that are located within an energy-intensive geography of previously unimaginable distance—both mental and physical—between producers and consumers. Artificial refrigeration has reconfigured the contents of our plates and the shape of our cities…
Welcome to the coldscape: the unobtrusive architecture of man’s unending struggle against time, distance, and entropy itself.
Welcome to the coldscape: the unobtrusive architecture of man’s unending struggle against time, distance, and entropy itself.
2003 (earliest)
The availability of cooling systems in housing is a modern technological breakthrough. Until the end of the XIX century, cold, which was exploited mainly for therapeutic uses or to refrigerate food and drinks, came from naturally formed ice and snow. To have a cold supply in hot spells it was necessary to collect cold an preserve it in custom-made constructions, like ice or snow boxes and houses, or caves and gullies. All these go to make up the so-called cold landscapes, which are scattered around the Valencian mountainside.
I'm excited to say that over the coming year I’ll be working with the CLUI team to analyse and document another edible geography: the artificial cryosphere, by which we mean the network of refrigerated warehouses, trucks, and home appliances that are tied together across America in a (relatively) seamless cold chain.