n. The egos within a particular geographic area; the extent of a person's ego.
It was all so funny once. For a long time, Trump, with his twenty-four-karat skyscrapers, his interesting hair, and his extra-classy airline, was a leading feature of the New York egoscape.
Mostly that Egoscape is getting tiring, and at some point you just have to say "okay Jagex, that's actually a bit much, calm down."
Orienteering The Egoscape. #Davos2015Slogans
Mediascapes = Egoscapes?
2008 (earliest)
The reflection of ourselves juxtaposed with nature becomes a picture for us to contemplate. From Ego-scape, to Land-scape, to Eco-scape, and to Human-scape.
Our egos are physically only as big as our brains, but some egos seem to extend well beyond the skulls of their owners to encompass entire buildings, businesses, even metropolises. These city-sized egos are like enormous hot-air balloons. Inflated by self-regard and the flattery of the flunkies who surround them, they dominate the scenery and suck up all the surrounding oxygen. Their territory isn’t the cityscape or the landscape, but the egoscape, that notional place that’s really a hall of mirrors, each one saying, “You’re the fairest of them all.”