n. A map used for bragging purposes, particularly a map that exaggerates the importance of a place, or that shows where one is from or the places one has visited.
Poster inspired by Texas “brag maps,” 2008, in “Variations on a Rectangle.”
The weird normcore art genre of the Silicon Valley Brag Map.
anyone know the link for the brag map by your name? I got some states to shade in and forgot the link to update.
I have an affinity for state brag maps and postcards. It's a fun little niche.
Utilizing the familiar concept of the Texas Brag Map, Stout created a Texas Designer’s Map Of The World. His creation visually trumpets the importance of all things Texas, while jokingly denigrating all other regional also-rans and showcasing that brand of humor unique to Texas inhabitants.
2004 (earliest)
Official Texas Brags Map of North America.