n. An advertisement that provides detailed information about a product.
Walston's slim volume catalogs scores of terms not (yet) found in Webster's, from "advermation" (a possible successor to "infotainment") to "zitcom" (what your teenagers are watching after school when they're supposed to be starting their homework).
Although 37 percent of online users are 'opposed to advertising as a way to reduce the cost of internet services,' remaining users express strong interest in certain types of interactive advertising. Only 9 percent were favorably inclined toward ads that are 'primarily entertaining,' but 41 percent of all consumers interviewed were positive toward 'advermation' — ads that provide detailed information.
1996 (earliest)
Participants showed a preference for certain types of advertising on the Internet. "Advermation" (ads with detailed information) would be used by 41% of all consumers interviewed.