n. Writing that appears to be objective journalism, but is actually a marketing piece designed to promote a specific brand.
Edvertorial content has made its way on company blogs and websites. This edvertorial content hasn’t replaced traditional advertising or advertorial-style content, but has enhanced it through brand-owned property.
Designers are taking to the web to craft "content" that is editorial-seeming but entirely brand-directed. (Think every designer blog, ever, basically " whether supposedly written by the designer him or herself about his or her daily life, or whether more far-ranging in its scope.) Women's Wear Daily calls this "edvertorial," because apparently the old standby "advertorial" wasn't specific enough for a medium, the web, where so much of this stuff bleeds together already.
2001 (earliest)
Some of the measures sank well with all the citizens in the state, while most of the measures could not find such favours especially with the Muslim population who regard these measures as directly meant against them. The Muslims immediately kicked against some of the measures and ride on [sic] an edvertorial placed in the Daily Trust of October 1, 2001.
—“Jos Crises: Government Should Be Cautious,” Africa News, November 01, 2001
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