busy brain
n. A mental state that includes racing thoughts, anxiety, lack of focus, and sleeplessness.
Balancing the demands of career, family and social commitments — and the non-stop connectedness of our lifestyles — can lead to over-stimulation and constant mental agitation," said certified nutritionist Michele McRae, Rainbow Light's Director of Formulation and Quality. "When the mind is racing and stressed out, it can be difficult to focus and think clearly during the day, or sleep well at night. We call this 'misfiring,' or 'busy brain.'
—“The Secret Life of Busy Brains,” EarthTimes, November 17, 2010
In the neurofeedback training system that computer scientist Shane Dunne designed for his son, Sam, electrodes placed on the boy's head fed information about the electrical activity of his brain into an animated maze…"Busy-brain" (high beta) brain waves, associated with anxiety. Sam's levels were initially too high.
—Anne McIlroy, “Researchers explore how video game technology can treat brain disorders,” The Globe and Mail, June 04, 2010
2001 (earliest)
Medication is swelling his feet and keeping him awake at night, while his mind is under siege from "busy brain", a side effect of the medication.
—Peter Ellingsen, “Suddenly, there's nowhere to hide,” The Age, December 10, 2001