n. Extreme anger caused by a perceived wrongdoing or a lengthy wait in the supermarket checkout line.
Instead of people treating one other with the kindness, respect and kindred spirit the holidays are supposed to bring, the stress level seems to surge dramatically this time of year.
Road rage. Parking lot rage. Checkout-line rage. Xbox voucher rage.
Road rage. Parking lot rage. Checkout-line rage. Xbox voucher rage.
The sin of anger has splintered into so many sub-sections (think road rage, supermarket checkout-line rage and the righteous indignation you rightly feel when standing behind someone at a convenience store who is buying lottery tickets) it's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is any longer.
1998 (earliest)
News note: A Milwaukee woman, irate because another woman in line before her at the supermarket express checkout counter had more than 10 items, followed her to the parking lot, pulled a pocket knife and slashed away more than half the woman's nose.
There's not just road rage. We also have checkout line rage.
There's not just road rage. We also have checkout line rage.